Summer Camps for Ages 2 to 14
Join Our Team
Are you looking for professional and practical experience working with kids? Are you serious about building a strong leadership resume? If so, you should consider joining our summer staff! We are always on the lookout for dynamic and outgoing staff to join our team.
We seek outgoing, personable staff who are committed and dedicated to impacting the lives of all campers.

We seek individuals willing to be silly, full of energy, and who love what the magic of camp can mean to kids. If you think you have a dynamic and outgoing personality, a passion for impacting the lives of kids and want to enjoy a rewarding summer of fun in the sun, then maybe you are the type of hero we’re looking for to join our talented team!
As with any employment, consistency of attendance is important. Part of being professional is accepting the responsibilities that come with accepting an employment placement.
We Seek those who aspire to inspire:
Our leadership development program (A2I- Aspire To Inspire) seeks leaders with a growth mindset who challenge themselves to be strong, positive mentors and who are willing to take instruction and be team players. If that sounds like you, then here are some position possibilities:
Counselors in Training (CITs)
This is an unpaid position but an essential starting point for those young leaders looking to develop their leadership skills in a work environment where they will receive timely and constructive feedback. CITs are treated like an employee as they observe and develop key leadership characteristics in working with kids. A CIT must be 14 years old by May of the year they want to begin work. This year of volunteer service looks great on your emerging resume of service. CITs receive a certificate for completing up to 250 service hours. Click here to read a full description of the A2I leadership development program. This is a great introductor step in building your leadership resume. CITs are expected to fulfill 6 of the 9 full weeks of summer.
Junior Counselors (JCs)
Typically these are matriculating CITs and usually 15 or 16 years old. The JC receives a small stipend for this position and therefore all JCs will need working papers. As an employee, JCs are an integral part of the camper leadership along with the groups' lead counselor. Like all employees, we do expect JCs to attend 7 of the 9 total weeks of camp. Click here to read a full description of the A2I leadership development program. This is a great way to build your leadership experience resume. In addition to earning a certificate for up to 200 volunteerr service hours, JCs receive a small summer stipend. JCs are expected to fulfill 7 of the 9 full weeks of summer.
Associate Counselors (ACs)
Typically these are matriculating JCs and usually 16 or 17 years old. ACs earn a small summer stipend for their efforts and can receive a certificate for completing up to 150 hours of community service for the camp. Click here to read a full description of the A2I leadership development program. ACs are expected to fulfill 7 of the 9 full weeks of summer.
Lead Counselors
For those considering future work with children or teaching profession, there is no better leaderhip resume builder than serving as a lead counselor! Build your resume with practical experience under the guidance of career educators. You won't regret it! The job is fun, full of sunshine, and lots of love for and from children! Counselors are most often 18 years or older. Counselors are the primary group leader and therefore must exude good decision making, maturity and demonstrate continual high energy and enthusiasm. Not only do they lead the campers but also serve as valuable mentors to those younger leaders who will assist the lead counselor. To be a counselor requires high energy as it is expected that all counselors be fully engaged and active in all camper related activities. Summer salary commensurate with experience but typical pay range starts at $2,400 for up to 8 weeks of work. Click here for application to be a hero.
Activity Leaders (AL)
Do you want to have a fun summer leading and facilitating camp games for kids? Then this is the greatest job on the planet! Activity Leaders are most often career teachers or those still in college but who are preparing to geach. This job is particulary ideal for elementary, secondary, or Physical Education majors. No need to know all the games, we have a playbook of over 100 games and how to play them. If you feel you are a great fit for our camp, we encourage you to apply. Summer salary commensurate with experience but entry level is around $2,500 for 8 weeks of summer.
SPECIALISTS: We do hire some 'specialist' positions in the area of STEM, Dance & movement, music, or arts & crafts. If you feel you have special interest and talent to inspire campers in these areas, give Executive Director, Steve Haines a call at 267-261-4098. Sometimes these positions are partial days or week employment.
CREATIONS ACTIVITY LEADER- Creations is our Arts & Crafts. We seek an individual who is at least 20 years of age who is crafty, creative, and loves to teach children. We do have a catalog of past craft project ideas and we welcome and encourage new leaders to try their own creative ideas as well.
Any questions? Contact Executive Director Steve Haines at 267-261-4098 to apply.
To apply, Download and Complete the application and submit with a recent digital photo to Steve Haines, Executive Director,